Violinists and violists no longer have to "take it on the chin!" The Chin-Chum, a cushioned, ultrasuede padded chin rest cover, slips over the cup of the chinrest and protects the player from "violin hickeys". The Chin-Chum also protects the neck from the chin rest's metal clamp. Large for 4/4 violin, 15" and up viola.
The Flesch New Model Violin Chin Rest is made from good quality Boxwood. Fits directly over tailpiece. Excellent comfort and security.
The Flesch New Model Violin Chin Rest is made from good quality Ebony. Fits directly over tailpiece. Excellent comfort and security.
The Flesch New Model Violin Chin Rest is made from good quality Ebony. Fits directly over tailpiece. Excellent comfort and security. For 1/2 size.
The Flesch Old Model Violin Chin Rest is made from good quality Ebony. Fits directly over tailpiece. Excellent comfort and security.
Guarneri style Violin Chin Rest is made out of good quality boxwood. Fits directly over tailpiece. Excellent comfort and security.
Guarneri style Violin Chin Rest is made out of good quality ebony. Fits directly over tailpiece. Excellent comfort and security.
Hill Style Violin Chin Rest made out of good quality Ebony. Excellent comfort and security.
The Kaufmann style Violin Chin Rest is made out of good quality Boxwood. This model has a large, flat cup. Excellent comfort and security.
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